Work With Me

Helping sensitives move from overwhelm and fear to feeling calmer and more positive through the ascension process using personalised frequency therapy.

What Clients are saying:

Briony, East Sussex, UK
“I thought I was depressed and I was so hard on myself for being lazy. I really used to hate myself for not living the life I wanted while I watched everyone in my life living their best lives. After a few sessions with Alison, I realised I was in a state of chronic freeze because my nervous system was so overwhelmed. I’d basically shut down emotionally. I now understand more about what makes me tick and with Alison’s support, I am learning how to manage overwhelm and anxiety. I’m not scared of my emotions anymore and I’m starting to make friends with myself. I feel like I’m back in the driving seat of my life. A huge added bonus is that other people are treating me with more respect now!”

Clare, Norfolk, UK
“It’s been a few weeks now and I’ve stopped having what I call anxiety cramps. I used to get them regularly which was exhausting, especially as it was affecting my sleep. Alison taught me really simple techniques that I can use by myself. We connected with my different parts which has been fun. This has helped so much with calming my nervous system and reducing my anxiety levels as well as giving me the awareness about WHY I reacted to life the way I had been. I feel lighter. I went to bed last night and realised that I hadn’t had any anxiety, I’d forgotten what it’s like to live without constant overwhelm. I’ve just invested in myself for another 3 months and I’m so excited to stop living in fear. I really look forward to our weekly meetings.”

Max, Rennes, France
“My sister is encouraging me to work with Alison after she helped her about how we both feel. We are both very sensitive and recently I have feelings of fear building up inside of me, feeling out of control and helpless and not belonging in this world. We both find the cruelty and injustice sometimes too much and our family and friends think we’re crazy and that everything is ok. But being awake among the asleep is so hard for us. Alison is helping me so much to keep calm and I can use the methods she is teaching me every day to not lose hope. It is so nice to find a therapist who knows what is going on and I can be honest. I am finding our time very helpful, thank you. My fear is much less.”

Deanna, FL, USA
“I now know how to tune down my sensitivity when I become overwhelmed and over stimulated but at the same time dial it up and appreciate how wonderful it can be as well at the right times. Because Alison is also highly sensitive, she completely understands why I feel the way I do sometimes and why I get so overwhelmed. My family are very different to me and think I overreact. I feel like the black sheep because I have different opinions to them and I see the world differently. I feel really safe to be honest with Alison because there’s zero judgement and she just gets how I feel. I am glad I have chosen to invest in myself and to finally put my own well being at the top of my priority list.”

Your investment …

We are creating our reality all the time but most people create suffering and hardship because that is how we have been conditioned. Our true self has become lost in the density of this world. We have been carrying many traumas from this life and others, as well as from our ancestors. It feels like we have no control, like a ship being tossed on stormy seas, or a leaf being blown in all directions during a blizzard. The good news is that we can learn to swim in the calmer waters below; we can choose to find a strong branch and observe the chaos from a more detached vantage point without getting caught up in all the drama.

We are living in a time of total transcendence - trance ending - that has been prophesised for centuries. We are in an ascension window but this ascension is different. For the first time, we are being given the opportunity to ascend with our physical bodies. Every cell is being restructured. So although we are ascending energetically, we need to learn how to descend into our physical being and become more embodied to anchor in the new energies. Ascension symptoms are very real because so much density needs to be purged physically.

Many people are still oblivious to these changes and are either consciously or sub-consciously clinging onto the old patriarchal system, which is essentially a set of programmes created through perception manipulation that has kept humanity tethered within a fear vibration. The old paradigm is crumbling and is getting louder and angrier as it goes through its final death throes. The external world appears to be getting crazier and attempts at totalitarian control are being attempted by those wanting to keep humanity in ignorance. On the surface, it appears terrifying. However, although it seems as though things are getting worse, they’re actually just being revealed. Truths that have been hidden are now being uncovered. This is necessary because the old world has got to die before a new world can be born.

Sensitives are especially picking up on these energies, but if we don’t know what’s happening, it can be very easy to slip down into the vibration of fear and even harder to climb back up. I believe sensitives have a crucial role to play during these times which is twofold: first, to keep our own vibration as high as possible in order to help anchor in the light energies that are flooding onto the planet; second, to offer support to those who are struggling to understand why the world they have always known is collapsing. Nothing can stop what is coming but we have the choice to move through the process with more ease and grace.

The current energies offer us the opportunity to break the chains that have shackled humanity for millennia. Old trauma is now coming up to be looked at and healed, to be released from the old dense matrix so that we can be free to construct and live in the new earth frequency. We are co-creating this new world now. These are such extraordinary times where opportunities for conscious manifestation have never been greater. So, are you ready to seize the opportunity to create in an intentional way? Do you feel it’s now time to deprogram yourself from the false matrix and rebirth your true self?

Does this sound like you?

✓ Constantly worrying about the future and ruminating about the past, yet you yearn to let go and surrender into the flow of life.

✓ Unhealed trauma is following you around like a black cloud and you’re finally ready to begin the process of integrating it.

✓ Feeling like you’re not fulfilling your true purpose in life, but you know deep down that you came here for something more meaningful.

✓ Feeling unsafe in the world, yet you long to just trust life and be present.

✓ Drained by being so easily triggered by external events, feeling like you’re on a perpetual emotional roller coaster, yet you long to leave overwhelm behind and live a life of peace where your emotions are balanced.

✓ Feeling ruled by fear, that your ego is calling the shots, yet your soul is urging you to claim its true light, its birth right.

✓ Exhausted by being constantly overstimulated which keeps your nervous system spiralling out of control. However, you are aware that there’s another part of you, your higher self, who is whispering that it’s now time to create your reality consciously, one of ease, grace, joy and abundance.

✓ Frustrated living in a world that you don’t understand, where you don’t fit in, that feels heavy. A world where most people seem asleep or even worse don’t seem to care about cruelty and corruption. Worn out by living a lie and trying to fit in, yet deep down you know you came into this lifetime with a greater mission, to help anchor in the light frequencies that are engulfing the planet right now, to help the collective ascension of this world.

If you feel something within you stirring when you read these statements, please contact me to see if we’re a good match to raise those frequencies by filling out the application form below.

How it works …

This program is for highly sensitive people who are ready raise their frequency and to find their way back to their true selves, their true spirit.

When you have been living as a highly sensitive person with emotional overwhelm and an exhausted nervous system, deep vibrational shifts rarely occur after just one or two sessions. However, you will notice positive change early in the process, week by week. It can seem like the easier option to stay in the comfort zone, aka the dead zone, but nothing changes when we don’t take action. Only you will know when you’re ready…

I will be your guide through the process of rebirthing the real you, steering you back to your spirit as you discern how to be embodied in the world but not of it, how to rise above the external drama without letting it engulf you.

Our work together involves profound transformation: moving from old survival patterns to living a life of balance; transcending egoic fear-based consciousness to living through the higher self within the energy of love; changing limiting beliefs and subconscious programs; rewiring neural pathways in the brain; regulating the nervous system and changing habits that create and nurture a mindset of resilience and a feeling of peace. I will facilitate your journey towards physical, mental and emotional wellness, sharing the many tools and techniques that I have studied and acquired over many years.

I take away the guesswork and help you find any resistance which is stopping you living your life to your fullest potential. I teach the science of manifestation and how the nervous system holds the key to creating your reality. My ultimate aim is that you become your own healer and coach, trusting and believing in yourself and your capabilities.

What is personalised frequency therapy?

Through accessing the quantum field, I work with clients so that they can transform their reality in a deliberate way. I focus on the mind-body-soul connection for full inner transformation. This practice raises energetic frequency which will attract more positive experiences as well as playing a crucial part in the ascension of the planet. Ascension is an inside job!

Everyone is unique and responds differently so I offer a bespoke package using a combination of energy psychology, somatic experiencing, mindset and mindfulness strategies as well as parts work and traditional talk therapy. I combine modern, science-backed knowledge with ancient healing practices with which I design a personalised holistic healing program specific to individual needs and goals.

If you are ready, please contact me to book a free no obligation discovery call by filling out the application form below.

The taster sessions …

The taster contains 3 sessions which provide the opportunity to see if the therapy I offer works for you and if we work well together.

You will learn techniques that can be incorporated into daily life to help you thrive as a highly sensitive person. These techniques can be used on your own to clear anxiety and overwhelm and to help regain control of your nervous system.

After just one session, you will have started the process of clearing blocked energy and releasing resistance to create new empowering life patterns. You will learn how to tune into your body and the basics of how to listen to your body’s intelligence and what it’s trying to communicate.

3 sessions are also a great way to work with specific situations such as phobias, preparation for an exam or a speaking engagement or dealing with a particular dilemma that is causing anxiety.

Please fill out the application form below and get ready to raise your frequency.

15 sessions …

In 15 sessions the body will become more grounded as trapped emotional trauma is released.

This will result in feeling more embodied and safer in the world.

Limiting subconscious beliefs are reprogrammed so that decisions are not based on fear based habitual patterns.

Conflicting parts are integrated so that inner turmoil is harmonised.

The nervous system will become more regulated and start to feel safe enough to allow the creation of new positive experiences.

Please fill out the application form below and get ready to raise your frequency.

30 sessions …

30 sessions offer a more expansive programme taking resurgence to an even deeper and transformative level.

Over previous sessions, you will have practiced how to tune into your body and understand better how and what it is trying to communicate. Deeper healing can therefore take place as you become more skilled at working with your mind, body and energy system together.

Please fill out the application form below and get ready to raise your frequency.

How do sessions work?

Sessions take place in the comfort of your own home via Zoom, which is a safe, encrypted software, which you can easily use from a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

Each session lasts between 60-90 minutes.

Video calls can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, depending on your requirements.

Once your session is booked, you will receive an email with a pre-session questionnaire and more information about what to expect.

Personalised suggestions and resources for additional ‘healing work’ to be done between sessions are given to reinforce and integrate the process.

Please fill out the application form below and I will get back to you for a discovery call.

Coaching Application

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