Cognitive  Behavioural   Therapy 


We all know this in theory, but for most it’s not that easy to put into practice. This is especially the case for highly sensitive people whose nervous systems are often frazzled by their own day to day lives as well as often becoming overwhelmed by absorbing the stress of others. CBT strategies are very effective to help people not simply to survive in life, but to thrive.

So what is CBT?

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) has been considered one of the paramount interventions in the field of psychology for over 40 years and can be very effective. My emphasis is to help clients develop their own practical skills to manage their emotional experiences more effectively in daily life. Everyone is unique so different techniques work for different people but whatever the situation, I provide a comprehensive guide of tried and tested tools and strategies that make a significant impact on someone’s mood and consequently their life.
CBT can be very effective for many problems including :
Panic attacks
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Anger management
Mood swings
What if Phobias
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Relationship problems
Sexual problems
Sleep problems
Chronic fatigue syndrome
General health problems

That said, for most people, there is no quick fix to psychological change. The techniques are simple but change can be difficult and often takes effort and a lot of patience and perseverance. The end result depends on how much someone wants to make changes in their lives. The more a person commits to their own path of transformation, the more long lasting the results. Everyone is on their own path and whatever pace someone feels they want to go on their journey, I am there to support them until they feel ready to embrace their future life with the inner confidence and purpose we all have within us.

If you would like to learn techniques to help you to live with less anxiety and more confidence, please complete the application form or contact me for a free no obligation 20 minute chat to see how I can help you.

Lorri Faye