About Me


My Story


I had a very successful career for twenty five years with regular promotions and an ever increasing workload. For the last five years of my ‘previous life’, I felt more and more burdened with an impossible work schedule and very little support. To cut a long story short, I was burned out and felt trapped with seemingly no way out. I was desperately unhappy. I had difficulty sleeping and would wake up in the night with chronic anxiety about the day ahead. I ended up resorting to medication from the doctor to help me sleep but I’d still wake up exhausted and dreading yet another day of work. I ate my emotions with junk food and drank way too much red wine to numb the gaping hole in my life. I was overweight and my health started to deteriorate. Financial burdens and the cost of living kept me imprisoned in this existence; I didn’t know how to get out. I had acquired a library of self help books that I’d devoured over the years thinking that each book would give me the key to escaping this life. I was a course junkie, again desperately trying to find something that would help me escape! Does that sound familiar? Please don’t give up hope. When I look back at my life now, I still have to pinch myself at what I’ve achieved in less than a decade. I’m now married to my soul mate and I’m living in my dream home (well it will be when we’ve finished refurbishing it) in the beautiful French countryside. I’m now helping others who are feeling stuck, just like I was just a few years ago. What a reason to get up each day – talk about motivated! I’m no longer overweight and feel younger and healthier than I did twenty years ago. What could be better? Ah yes, I’ve got my very own animal rescue centre which has been my dream ever since I was a little girl. Now if you’re still living in that low density 3D matrix, you’re probably wanting to slap me across the face or grab another bottle of wine or a huge slice of chocolate cake and say, ‘well it’s alright for her, she got lucky’ and wallow in another pity party. I get it. I was there. You feel everyone else got an invite to the party except you and that life’s passing you by. So what changed for me? What was my secret? The answer is that I changed my energy. I literally raised my vibrational frequency so that I began to attract different opportunities.


The key is to SHIFT energy. I developed my own methodology to calm my frazzled nervous system and to start shifting all the trapped energy in my system. I began releasing stored trauma from my body. Over time, unprocessed emotions become stuck in the body causing a blockage. This is what happened to me. The trauma had compounded, causing a backlog of energy. I was in a state of chronic freeze and my energy system wasn’t moving, it was stagnant and it was keeping me in a low vibrational state – it was keeping me stuck. Nothing new could come into my life. The result was emotional distress and physical imbalances. Using a blend of energy psychology and energy healing mixed with somatic practices, I created my own personalised frequency therapy. Within 6 months I had left my job and met my now husband.

This photo is me from my ‘previous life’. Behind the smile I was desperately unhappy and stuck in a job and a lifestyle that was making me ill. I was in the self help books and endless courses stage of my life, but although those years were valuable and I learned a lot, my life didn’t change until I started shifting my energy. Since then I have continued to keep processing my emotions, to keep the energy flowing. As a result, I’m able to manifest in a more conscious and deliberate way. Since moving to France, I have built up my own business helping other HSPs. Working for myself was another big goal as my sensitive spirit craved a quiet life and a sense of freedom and independence. Now I am able to work from home and fund the horse rescue which I intend to expand to help cats and dogs as well - and more horses of course ;)


This is a recent photo taken of me and my gorgeous horse Filou. I’d always dreamed of having my very own horse but began to accept that it would never happen. It’s amazing to me how so many pieces fell into place one after the other once I shifted my blocked energy. I’ve struggled with my weight on and off for most of my life but the pounds have fallen off without effort because I’m where I’m meant to be and I’m doing what I’m meant to do. I no longer feel the need to eat or drink away my stress and emotional pain.

Now, I’m not writing this as a big ‘Woohoo, look at me, aren’t you jealous?!’ like some folks who put their ‘perfect lives’ on social media, leaving the rest of us wondering where it all went wrong! I want to show that no matter how desperate and at rock bottom you feel, there is a way out, a way to heal your stuck energy and become unstuck. A much brighter future is waiting if you’re willing to shift!