

What My Clients Say

I had the pleasure of doing a tapping session with Alison. Alison met me with such embrace and reassurance that I was able to drop some of my deepest ego defences, bringing my higher self to a whole new level. I’ve done a deep u-turn in my mind. The first few days after the session, my mind made a lot of noise. Now I’m back on track and following unbridled actions for my highest good. I have been in the self-development industry for over 20 years, until this day I haven’t met any “helper” who has been able to guide me as deeply as Alison. Maybe it’s also a matter of timing?

From Denmark
This was the most amazing experience I have had, healing my younger self in the matrix. Thank you so much Alison. It was absolutely phenomenal and I am definitely going to recommend it to all my friends and family.

From Johannesberg
Dear Alison ♥ I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for sharing with us your beautiful gift ♥ I was doing inner child healing work but this took me to the next level and opened another door to moving forward with my healing journey ♥ Love you so much my beautiful Soul Sister and sending much blessings your way ♥

From Poland
I have received Reiki healing from Alison which has helped me so much with my anxiety and helping my quality of sleep which had become a real problem for me. I must admit, when Alison recommended distant healing, I was sceptical as I had always received hands on healing. But we set a designated date and time and I cannot explain the feeling of calm and peace that came over me. I had the best night’s sleep and woke up feeling much more positive about my life and more able to cope with day to day life. Thank you so much.

From Brighton (UK)
I have had problems with my back for over a decade but over recent months it had become more painful and was affecting my ability to work.  I’ve been having ongoing treatment with a chiropractor which was helpful but the results didn’t last. My friend told me that Alison had worked with him on a pain issue and discovered that it was due to suppressed emotions that were trapped in the body. I have an open mind about these things and thought it was worth a try as my friend’s shoulder pain had gone permanently. When Alison used tapping to help me tune into the pain, I was fascinated to discover that it was actually old energy that was coming up to be healed. After the first session, my back felt more flexible and the tightness wasn’t as strong. I went for two more sessions and after the third session the pain had gone. There was still some lingering sensation around my lower back which went after a couple more weeks. I’m still thinking about how tapping on different parts of my body can connect with energy that is years old and that manifested in back pain, but whatever it is it works!

From Brighton (UK)
My dog Pixie had scratched her cornea whilst sniffing around under some brambles. My vet had given treatment but her eye wasn’t responding very well and we were concerned about a secondary infection and that she may lose her sight in that eye. My daughter has been fantastic result from receiving reiki from Alison and suggested that she try healing Pixie. When Alison came to the house, Pixie settled down quickly and lay very still when Alison sending her healing. After a few minutes, Pixie became restless and started moving around the room. Alison reassured me that she would receive the healing she was meant to receive and carried on healing Pixie from a distance. Pixie eventually relaxed again and went into a deep sleep, not even waking when Alison left later on. The next day Pixie’s eye was looking a lot better and after three days the scratch had completely gone. The vet was pleasantly surprised when I took Pixie for a check up later in the week. When I told him about the healing he said it was just a coincidence but after how Alison has helped my daughter as well, I’m inclined to disagree with him!

From Southwick (UK)
Alison creates such a safe space for me to be completely honest to express my fears and clear old stuff without any judgement. It’s amazing what can be done in 3 sessions and I didn’t realise how much I had pushed deep down inside. For the first time I feel I can make conscious changes that I want in my life which is so empowering. I’ve already learnt a technique which immediately calms me down and I was able to attend a large family gathering on my own (which I had been dreading) and was able to get through it with without getting upset or reacting to other’s insensitivity towards me. I have learned that I can use these simple techniques to rewire my brain and start consciously deciding how I want to live and choosing the experiences I would like to attract. No more victim consciousness J What a revelation that it was even possible!! I’ve just invested in myself for another 3 months and I’m so excited to continue this journey

From London (UK)
I tried matrix reimprinting as I felt stuck in my life, particularly with my music business. I have had the passion to share my love of music and singing for so long but I wasn’t achieving the success I desired and couldn’t understand why. I felt there were some inner blocks that were stopping me from getting my voice heard and I wanted to find out why. So I booked some matrix sessions with Alison. The first session took me to a time in my childhood and we were able to clear some memories and reimprint them. Using the information from the childhood memories that we initially worked through, Alison felt that the core blockage was generational. She wanted us to explore my ancestral line to see if this issue was actually mine or if it was something I had taken on that needed to be healed. So we had some further sessions where I was able to connect with my ancestors and it turned out that yes the blocks in my life were generational! During the final session, so many of my ancestors gathered around me to help me clear the whole lineage, past, present and future. It was a very moving and powerful experience. Since then, things have really opened up for my music. Doors have opened enabling me to hold a series of concerts so that I can share my love and passion for my heart song with others. I am so pleased to have found this amazing therapy that can remove blocks to our dreams as well as heal any past traumas.

From Denmark
Yay, the fear has gone at last! I no longer wake up in the night filled with dread. I thought it was just me and that I had to live with chronic anxiety my whole life. I recently got diagnosed with PTSD. After working with Alison, I find I’m no longer running away from my feelings and I’m not scared of my emotions any more. After literally decades of doing inner work, I had barely shifted in terms of feeling any semblance of peace and living the life I wanted. My sessions with Alison were transformational. Knowing that Alison is also highly sensitive somehow made it easier for me to be totally honest about my feelings. She really helped me commit to my healing and guided me through her techniques, her frequency formula, giving me the courage to do the real work and face my fears. Using her techniques and her intuition, I now wake up feeling motivated and if I have an ‘off’ day, I’ve got the tools to deal with them. I’ve not yet finished my 6 month programme but I’m so pleased with how different I feel. I’m finally feeling positive about the future for the first time since I was very young. It’s the best investment I’ve made. Hazel, SA.
Alison has shared some amazing techniques with me over the last 3 months. She’s like a healer and a coach combined with a large dose of spirituality which I’ve found to be a great combination to help me find my mojo again! Alison’s helped me clear so many limiting beliefs, some I didn’t even know I had, and it makes so much sense now why I was actually blocking myself. I now go to work without feeling sick with anxiety, especially as I’m no longer triggered by a particular colleague. She’s actually backed off because I’ve changed, it’s amazing. I also now come back from work without reaching for something to numb myself with because of a rewired mind set and because I’ve learned new strategies which I enjoy using and which really work to stop me slipping back into my old habits. I also love the weekly ‘healing work’ I get to do between sessions, not homework! Jessie, Oxford UK
Alison has helped me enormously in understanding and honouring my sensitivity and how it uniquely affects me. It has been life changing and I now have so much compassion for myself which I didn’t have before. I now know how to tune down my sensitivity when I become overwhelmed and over stimulated but at the same time dial it up and appreciate how wonderful it can be as well at the right times. Underneath it all I discovered that I didn’t feel safe. Alison used very gentle techniques to help me uncover this belief which I had no idea I even had or where it came from. I’m so thankful for this awareness now. Deanna, Florida
I felt so vulnerable living in such a non-HSP world, especially at work. My nervous system was in constant overdrive and I felt like I was being tossed around the waves in a stormy sea! As a fellow HSP, Alison totally understood where I was coming from. We took our time but worked through many of my traits that were literally disabling me. I am learning to live more in alignment with my extreme sensitivity which to be honest, I was fighting beforehand. I understand it’s an ongoing process but also that it doesn’t have to be tortuous. I’m learning powerful techniques that I can build into my daily life that have made such a difference to me. I’ve learned to be much more conscious about where I put my energy. Not knowing how to manage my sensitivity had been ruling and ruining my life! My weekly sessions with Alison are like a soothing balm and I’m so grateful :) Anita, Kent
I’ve loved working with Alison because she’s made me realise I don’t have to settle for a life where I was miserable. I didn’t realise I was actually in an abusive relationship, I literally had no idea. I thought everything was my fault. My self esteem was so low and we worked on this for a while. Every week I felt a bit stronger and more in control of my life and started to believe in myself. I learned that I was actually in control of my life but I just didn’t have the knowledge and the tools. She shared so many techniques which I’m using most days to keep my energy strong and how to use my sensitivity to my advantage. As she explained, it’s an ongoing process to keep my ego at bay and not keep being dragged back into the fear vibration, which was basically how I was living, in total fear. I also realised I didn’t have to run away from my feelings that I had previously found debilitating. I learned simple techniques how to manage my feelings and my energy. I dread to think how my life would have ended up if I hadn’t reached out. I’m now managing my own mental health much better and my monthly top up sessions with Alison keep me on track. I feel so positive about my future now and I’m looking forward to attracting a partner who values me and loves me for who I am ♥ Kerry, NY