Parts Therapy

“I was beginning to feel a sense of spiritual burnout after decades of trying to fix myself. But as I discussed with Alison, I wasn’t broken in the first place, I just needed to let go of everything that wasn’t me. In the past I’ve shunned and judged my ‘ego’ and tried to disown it or ignore that annoying voice that was making my life hell. It really didn’t work no matter what methods I tried! When Alison explained parts work, just understanding the process and how we are made up of these parts was very therapeutic in itself. I’ve really enjoyed the process of getting to know my different parts. I have learned to be compassionate to all the different aspects of me and it’s a wonderful feeling. After each session I began to feel lighter and more peaceful. But then after a while I began to notice that I wasn’t getting as triggered by things that really used to bother me and I began to make better decisions about everyday things, like food choices. A sense of calmness gradually became more natural. This has been a revelation for me as I have never been able to achieve that level of inner peace before, not for significant amounts of time anyway. Alison gave me the confidence to initially look at these feelings and judgements that I had tried to hide and showed me how to connect with them as a daily routine, like taking a shower. I check in every day and me and my ‘kids’ are much happier as a result!”
Isobel, Shropshire, UK

Parts therapy is a game changer and it is very rare that I work with clients without incorporating this powerful process. We can dream of the life we want and think positive thoughts until we’re blue in the face, but unless we acknowledge and work with the core of the emotion, the pain or the trauma, that dream is going to remain a dream.

Gabor Maté

Often the thought of doing something is much more difficult than actually doing it. This concept is definitely true with parts therapy. People I work with have been pleasantly surprised at how simple the process can be and what a sense of relief it is to finally go to those ‘dark’ places. The most common fear is that a tsunami of trauma will flood out all at once; that it will be far too overwhelming and uncontrollable. As Isobel and many other clients have discovered, if approached sensibly, it’s a very gentle process.

Acknowledging what we are afraid of doesn’t make it any worse, it actually reduces its power. We cannot integrate our parts through denial or judgement. That is what makes the unwanted and uncomfortable feelings intensify. When we connect with our parts, they’re usally thrilled to be seen and acknowledged. They are so relieved to be unburdoned from their roles. As a result, our true selves emerge to steer our lives so that we can live from our authentic spirit rather than from fear and trauma.

Your mind
Need to heal

So let’s not be fugitives from ourselves. Let’s “probe the fearful and wonderful world within”. It’s waiting to communicate with our true self.

What is the theory behind Parts Work?

Parts Work acknowledges that we have not just got one mind, the mono mind, which is what traditional psychotherapy assumes. Parts Work believes that each of us has many different parts (or subpersonalities). These parts make up our whole self but due to stress and trauma, these parts become misunderstood, disowned or rejected. Each of these parts has unique needs, desires and beliefs. Because we don’t acknowledge them, they may change their initial role to one that is harmful, especially when we encounter challenging situations and triggers. This is usually done sub consciously in a skewed perception of protecting us from the initial trauma or life situation.

Our task is to identify these parts and work toward re-integration. Healing occurs when we bring awareness to our different parts within us. Without judgement, we listen to each part and we get to know them in a loving and curious way. We give them a voice and discover what each part needs, wants and also what it fears. These sub personalities are frozen in time and are very surprised to discover that we are now adults and don’t need their protection any more. But the key is, we don’t eliminate or release them unless that is what they want. It would be like sending away a child who has been behaving ‘badly’. Our true self, our spirit, is naturally calm and loving. During this work, our true self, which has often become smothered by our disconnected parts, has the space to emerge. Our true self then connects with the disowned parts where we are now able to lovingly integrate the many aspects within us to create more choice, more self compassion and to give us a greater sense of wholeness and inner peace in our daily lives.

If you are ready to liberate your parts and feel the freedom to live from your true fearless self, please complete the application form or contact me for a free no obligation 20 minute chat to see how I can help you.