“This, my dear,
is the greatest challenge
to being alive:
To witness the injustice of this world,
and not allow it
to consume our light.”

Supporting highly sensitive people to release trauma, pain and overhelm allowing a return to a natural state of balance & inner peace using personalised frequency therapy

Welcome to


I work with highly sensitive people (HSPs) so that their sensitivity becomes their blessing rather than their burden, so that they can thrive in a world that doesn’t always understand or support them.
Since finding out I was a HSP, I am now passionate about helping other HSPs manage and overcome stress and anxiety from living in a not so sensitive world!

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

If you answer yes to most of these questions below, you probably are.

Do you feel different to other people and misunderstood, often feeling like a square peg in a round hole?
Have you been told that you are too sensitive and that you need to toughen up?

Do you abhor violence and cruelty of any kind and find this world is often too harsh and cruel?
Do you have a strong sense of injustice and a strong sense of duty?

Do you feel you have a purpose in life (even if you don’t know what it is) and want to have a positive impact on the world?
Are you a natural giver and find that people talk to you about their problems?

Do you lean towards creative projects and pastimes?
Do you have high levels of empathy for others and can become emotionally exhausted from absorbing other people’s feelings?

Are your senses heightened and become over stimulated easily?(For example, you can be jumpy and sudden, loud noises startle you; scratchy fabric or restrictive clothing irritates you; bright lights and offensive smells can affect you more than others.)
Do you withdraw from others and crave alone time, needing space to recharge your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual batteries?

Do you think deeply and have a rich inner world, seeking answers to the big questions in life whereas you find small talk draining?
Do you have a low pain threshold?

Is time pressure a real stressor for you, especially when you have multiple tasks to complete within a set time?
Do you become agitated or anxious in crowded situations and feel the need to leave large gatherings early?

Do you prefer routine and need time adjusting to change?
Do you take criticism badly even when it’s meant to help?

Are you conscientious and prone to perfectionism?
Are you deeply moved by beauty such as beautiful artwork, stirring music, autumn leaves or a moonlit sky and you don’t understand how other people aren’t as moved by beauty as you are?

Does clutter really bother you and after a big sort out and clean, do you feel a sense of calmness?
Do you avoid conflict?

Do you get ‘hangry’ easily? (HSPs tend to be sensitive to changes in blood sugar levels)
Do caffeine and certain medications have a negative effect on you?

Why Sensitive-Spirit was created

Statistically 20% of the population are highly sensitive people, or HSPs. I’m one of them so I know how challenging it is to thrive and to live with passion in a world that doesn’t always understand or support us. Indeed, western culture encourages and rewards personalities that often show the exact opposite of sensitivity. HSPs experience the world differently than others due to an innate biological difference that we’re born with. In scientific terms, a genetic marker has been found that suggests we have increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social and emotional stimuli. In reality, this means we often struggle in a world where we’re misunderstood. In fact many HSPs have mistakenly been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder or other mental health problems.

Yes it’s true that being highly sensitive can cause unbearable anxiety and sadness. And yes, if our sensitivity is not managed effectively, this is sadly commonplace and many simply withdraw from the world and can become reclusive, feeling completely drained of vitality. Understandably many HSPs make the mistake of thinking that their high sensitivity is a flaw or defect. We’re not feeble emotional wrecks who need to be molly coddled and wrapped up in cotton wool. We don’t need others to walk on egg shells around us and just talk about unicorns and fluffy bunnies.

But we do need to understand ourselves and our unique triggers and we do need to learn how to manage our sensitivity so that we can grow into the person we are meant to be and not some dimmed down version of our true selves.

If you’re struggling, please don’t despair as there’s great news!
There are so many techniques that can make your sensitivity your strength.

Do you have any idea how amazing you really are?

You’ve got to be incredibly strong to have an amplified nervous system and survive in this world, so give yourself some well deserved credit.
As the saying goes, I wish I knew then what I know now because I struggled for decades without even realising I was a HSP. I didn’t understand why when others felt joy, I felt pure ecstasy and when others were disappointed, I felt heart-shattering pain! I had many strategies which I felt were helping me, but they weren’t exactly effective and were actually making my life more difficult. You can read more about my journey in ‘My Story’. After many years of researching and discovery, I have now learned how to thrive rather than simply survive. My intention is to support other HSPs to live the life they truly deserve. When we learn how to manage our sensitivity, it becomes our superpower! I am here to help make your sensitivity become your gift to yourself and the world.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your sensitivity and you are struggling to navigate your way through modern day life, please contact me for a free no obligation 20 minute chat to see how I can help you.

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